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SideBySide Studio Newsletter 6

Tuesday 27 September 2011, by I-WEI LI

Greetings from Istanbul, Vallée de l’Aube et de l’Aujon, Hong Kong, Kaohsiung, Taipei, Bamako, Rio de Janerio, Dakar and Marseille,

Recently artist R. asked me: “Why do you use ‘we’ instead of ‘I’ when you talk about your work? It’s better for your career if you keep the credit to yourself.”

From Me to We, literally speaking, the letter M is replaced by the letter W. I notice W is like turning M upside down

Working and thinking with others means to share and overcome differences. In the process, one needs to put into other’s shoes which might feel like being turned upside down but empathy and openness are absolutely necessary.

In the time of crisis, sharing with others is not a gesture of charity. It is necessary for survival.

Newsletter content:

  • Open call for DigiBAP VIP (Very Important Person for Values, Innovation, and Perspective), Brazil, West and Central Africa, and Euroregion Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (PACA), Rhône-Alpes, Piemont, Ligurie and Val d’Aoste
  • Critical Perspectives on Economies of Art Today, ISEA 2011, Istanbul
  • d’abord les forêts… / opus 2, Vallée de l’Aube et de l’Aujon
  • 藝術,科技,自然與社群實踐, Kaohsiung, Taipei
  • "Do it yourself"-­‐ Fablab ? quels enjeux en Afrique ?, Pixelini, Bamako
  • Borders, Risk and Friendship – analysis of Lucas Bambozzi’s video work

Open call for "VIP" - Very Important Person for Values, Innovation, and Perspective

An A.M.I production, supported by Region Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur and Institut Français.
In parntership with Alliances Françaises of Brazil and Kër Thiossane (Dakar)
Under the artistic direction of I-Wei Li (SideBySide Studio)

“VIP” is for artists (multi-media, cyber, sound, video, visual, environmental or performance), who are not afraid to dream in the crisis time.
“VIP” is for activists (community-based, urbanists, hackers, open source developers) who are willing to think globally and act locally.
“VIP” is for researchers (artificiel intelligence, cognitive science, interactive robotic, biological or genetic engineering, citizenship journalism) who want to share cross-disciplinary conversations.
“VIP” is for the local inhabitants in Brazil, francophone Africa, and EU region (Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, Rhône-Alpes, Piémont et Ligurie).

Content Keywords: Gambiarra, improvised solution, artistic intervention, material re-appropriation, reflective transformation, specific necessity, immediate reasoning, momentary circumstance, meta-recycling, logiciels libres, sustainable consumption, creative activism.

Through the 8 day open-lab-module, we gather “VIP”s in the same place, providing various technological resources, food and board, and full liberty to experiment and create around the clock 24-7. Our lab is mobile with artists from three continents. Participants are entitled to symbolic honorary and travel expenses will be covered.

The final objective of these exchanges is to present innovative artworks with social significance during "Marseille-Provence 2013, European Capital for Culture" in the frame of MIMI Festival. To be our “VIP”, please follow our application guideline.

Do you want the first- hand experience of South America, Africa, and Europe?

Do you want to expand your network in Brazil, Senegal, and France through local connections?

Are you ready to take risks?

With all the crisis around the world, do you believe art can still form a new position or even create a new vision?

Are you tired of thinking and working alone?

Are you open to new ideas and critical feedback?

Can you work with others?

Are you ready to share your competence with others?

Are you flexible enough to adapt new challenging working conditions?

Do you have good sense of humour?

Are you available through 02-10.12.2011, 21-31.01.2012, and March 2012 (to be confirmed)?

Are you born or based in Brazil, francophone Africa, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (PACA), Rhône-Alpes, Piemont Val D’Aoste and Ligurie regions in Europe?

Are you fluent in Portuguese (Brazil), French, Italian, or English?

Are you over 18?

Do you have a valid passport till 2013?

If your answer is YES, this open call is for you!

The application is available in English, French, and Portugese. For more details, please visit Project 4: Digibap - Open Call for ’VIP’ - Very Important Person for Value, Innovation, and Perspective

Critical Perspectives on Economies of Art Today, ISEA 2011, Istanbul
Welcome to ARTOUT - the first artist escort service in the history of art! by I-Wei Li and Anton Koslov Mayr
Workers of the Future at the Frontier of a Pivotal Work: Innovation at Work by Marie Michele Cron
Laborers of Love/LOL: Behind the Scenes by Stephanie Rothenberg and Jeff Crouse
Digital Art and Culture After Industry? by Soeren Bro Pold
Ten years AFTER by Franck Ancel

The panel took place on 16.09 at Sabanci Center, here are some of the comments and questions from the audience:
“If your artist escort made baby with your client, will you also charge commission?”
“After our debate, it seems we cannot escape from the capitalist model, what is the future of art?”
The irony you use for your project is successful
“We want to provocate a debate in this panel, I am glad we have chosen your project, it’s the right choice.” ISEA2011 program committee

d’abord les forêts… / opus 2, Vallée de l’Aube et de l’Aujon
03.07 - 25.09.2011
La Maison de Laurentine, Vallée de l’Aube et de l’Aujon, France

Concerning the relationship and territory between humanity, animalism, domesticity, monstrosity, and normality. This manifestation features over 120 artists from 20 nationalities.
SideBySide Studio invited following artists for Le Parcours artistique des vallées de l’Aube et de l’Aujon and L’Exposition Invisible.

Etienne Allaix, France (photography)
Felipe Barros, Brazil, (video)
Alberto Lastreto, Uruguay, (video)
Anton Koslov Mayr, Russia, (photography)
Reretan Pavavaljung, Taiwan (installation)
Nitjan Takivalit, Taiwan, (sculpture)

For more information, visit La Maison de Laurentine

藝術,科技,自然與社群實踐, Kaohsiung, Taipei
27.09.2011, 16:30-18h
(NKNU) Graduate Institute of Interdisciplinary Art / 跨領域藝術研究所

28.09.2011, 18:20 - 21h

I will give 2 lectures on Art, Technology, Nature in relation to community based practices. The talk will focus on D’abord les forets.. Opus 2 festival. In addition, I will visit different artist residencies and cultural institutions in Hong Kong and Taiwan to further the Asian emerging and aboriginal artist exchanges.


’’自然與森林藝術節(D’abord les forets.. Opus 2)於香檳區及勃艮地交界處,將法國中北部一個偏遠老化的農村做為美學實驗的基地, 在即將成立的Frorêt de Feuillus en Plaine國家公園裡,試圖回應這些課題:探討土地,自然,社群與藝術之間的關係,並涉及在地資源的整合,傳統狩獵文化的議題。由六位國際獨立策展人, 邀請120件來自五大洲的作品裝置及藝文演出,涵蓋視覺,表演,音樂,電影,多媒體及表演活動等多元創作領域,除了主題展外, 還規劃:森林裡看不見的展覽(L’EXPOSITION INVISIBLE); 戶外音樂會與居民傳家珍寶募集( LES TRÉSORS DES HABITANTS DES VALLÉES DE L’AUBE ET DE L’AUJON ), 連結了農舍,豬眷,穀倉,車庫,河道,花園,森林,農田,教堂,修院及洗衣坊等多處公共/私人空間,擴展至週圍15個鄉鎮社區和國家森林公園預定地裡不同性格的場域。同時積極串聯起週邊農家與當地藝匠,提供外地藝術家的駐地創作,透過住宿接待與工坊共用,試圖觸發藝術家和在地居民的直接對話,刺激彼此專業與地方資源的交流,開創一種新的社會實踐。

"Do it yourself"-­‐ Fablab ? quels enjeux en Afrique ? Pixelini, Bamako
Palais de la Culture, Bamako.

Benjamin Cadon -­ Labomédia Orléans
I-Wei Li - SideBySide Studio
Etudiants, informaticiens, électroniciens, passionnés multimédias
Artistes, designers
Artisans locaux

I will present the upcoming DigiBAP project with the focus on the Gambiaharra conceptual research.

Alors que les Fablabs, Hacklabs explosent en Europe, la notion de « Faites le vous même », de bricolage de bidouilage, de rècupèration et de dèbrouille n’est elle pas naturellement dèveloppè par les artisans et les populations en Afrique ? Quels sont les enjeux sociaux, éthiques et économiques pour des Fablab à ce jour encore très rares sur le continent africain ?
Lors de la dernière du festival Afropixel à Dakar, en collaboration avec la FING et avec le soutien de l’Organisation Internationale de La Francophonie, des participants d’Afrique de l’Ouest et d’Amerique du Sud échangèrent sur des projets "faites le vous même" visant à fabriquer des objets et des outils à quelque pour cents de leur valeur habituelle.
A l’occasion de cette édition Pixelini à Bamako, des artistes, amateurs, bidouilleurs, passionnés de multimédias ... poursuivront la réflexion sur la culture du Matériel Libre, du Faites-­‐Le-­‐Vous-­‐ Mêmes

(DIY) sur les intérêts et spécificités pour des projets de "Coopératives du futur" regroupant informaticiens, designers et artistes en Afrique ? Une ballade sera organisée par le collectif Yeta sur le marché des forgerons de Bamako.

Borders, Risk and Friend – analysis of Lucas Bambozzi’s video work
Border, Risk, and Friend is an analysis of 3 video works by Brazilian artist, Lucas Bambozzi:

  • I Have No Words, experimental video, 22’, 1999
  • Do Outro Lado Do Rio, documentary, 88’, 2004
  • The Day Sao Paulo Stopped, short film, 8’, 2009

The review will be included in Bambozzi’s retrospective exhibition, o espaço entre nós e os outros catalogue. published by LLA, Mexico. To read Border, Risk, and Friend online, please click here.

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