Monday 6 September 2010, by
Hello from Berlin, Lisbon, Dortmund, Paris, and Rio de Janeiro!
This summer, besides unearthing the contemporary art scene in Lisbon, I witnessed the ISEA (International Symposium of Electronic Arts) in Dortmund. Starting this week, I will publish various interviews about ISEA on 2010LabTV
Best proposal I heard this summer: Portugal will no longer be the edge of Europe if it becomes a colony of Brazil.
Many Europeans laugh when I told them this remark, in fact, this is not really an understatement if one recognizes the economic potential and political influence in Latin America. Their response also motivates me to initiate a dialogue about the current state in Latin America in future Kunst Apotheke Salon sessions. I am looking for proposals for this topic, please forward this open call to your contacts who are interested in sharing their insights.
Kunst Apotheke Salon Special Edition: Everyone Is Chinese Tomorrow? Video documentation is now available online.
Special thanks to MMX Open Art Venue e.V. and Upgrade! Berlin for their generous support.
Chaos Y. Chen, Tao Wang, Vienne Chan, Pauline Doutreluingne, Edward Sanderson, and Stefan Richter for their critical input and openness to make such exchange possible.
Also Thomas Pigache, Cuini Amelio Ortiz, Eker, and Jonathan Gröger for their patience and technical support, it was really a pleasure to work with each of you.
Last but not least, Pablo M. Zerm for sharing his China media headline collection and creating this dynamic debate with me.
Bambi Hunter, multi-media installation, in “d’abord les forêts... / opus 1”, Maison Laurentine , 4.07 – 3.10, Aubepierre-sur-Aube
Bambi, Disney symbol of innocent wildlife, is presented in front of the image of freshly killed deer. Simulacrum of innocent childhood and simulacrum of modern savage are two sides of the same story. Just as Disney is a caricature of childhood, so is hunting as a caricature of wild adventure. Some dare to hunt the real deer but who dares to kill Bambi?
Bambi symbole universel de l’innocence inventé par Disney et présenté à côté d’une image de cerf stués et éviscérés quelque part dans les fôrets d’Arc-en Barois. Simulacre de l’enfance innocente et simulacre de l’aventure sauvage contemporaine sont les deux faces d’une même histoire. Il y a des chasseurs pour tuer les cerfs mais qui oserait tuer Bambi?
Kunst Apotheke Salon Session 11, 20-23h, 24.09, Rumbalotte, Berlin.
"No Soul For Sale" was printed on Tate Modern’s invitation for its 10th anniversary. Perhaps we are not selling our ‘immaterial labour’ (Maurizio Lazzarato) so easily yet we often treat our life as creative projects (Luc Boltanski). Chris Dercon, next director of Tate Modern, describes creative practitioners today as zambies and vampires due to the precarious working conditions we face and endless free services we are willing to offer.
When self-exploitation seems to be the norm as a survival strategy, how is it possible for us to say ‘no’?
Without existential security, what about our ability to challenge?
Has contemporary art been completely absorbed by the thought of political correctness?
Together with Maas Media, we have invited the founder of Artout – professional artist escort service and editor of Luxemburg Journal – Social Analysis and Left Practices for the discussion. In the same eveing, Artout will lunch its first e-book edition.
MetzerStraße 9
10405, Berlin
Politique 0, 1-3.10, Espace Niemeyer, Paris.
Conferences / performances by Franco Bifo Berardi, Luc Boltanski, Roland Cayrol, Yves Citton, Ivana Dragsic, Dominic Gagnon, Sophie Gosselin and David G Bartoli, Jodi, Katharina Klotz, I-Wei Li and Pierre Bongiovanni, Matteo Lucchetti, Jean-Marc Manach, Anne Morelli, Antoni Muntadas and Marshall Reese, Fédéric Neyrat, Béatrice Rettig, Timothée Nay and Omnes Efflam, Société Réaliste, Samon Takahashi, Tzuchien Tho, UBERMORGEN, Olivier Voirol, Paul Willemsen, Wunderlitzer. Streamed on room#44.
Installations / screenings / workshop / documentation by Benoît Durandin and Alexandre Xanthakis, Dominic Gagnon, Harun Farocki and Andrei Ujica, Jodi, Jorge Luis Marzo and Arturo “Fito” Rodríguez, Ricardo Mbarkho, Antoni Muntadas and Marshall Reese, Société Réaliste, Le Dispositif (Pacôme Thiellement and Thomas Bertay), Samon Takahashi, UBERMORGEN, Argos selection: Charley Case, Tzu Nyen Ho, Gert Verhoeven.
Politique Zero is organized by Upgrade! Paris, MF editions and RYBN.ORG
Espace Niemeyer - French Communist Party headquarter
2, Place du Colonel Fabien - 75019 Paris
M° Colonel Fabien
Free Entrance
“Creative Incubator” workshop, November, Rio de Janiero. Invited by A.M.I., Alliance Française, and Oï Kabum, I will conduct 2 week workshop on developing critical and digital platforms in Rio de janiero for emerging artists.