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Kunst Apotheke Salon Session 2

Kunst Apotheke Salon Session 2

Friday 21 August 2009, by I-WEI LI

Kunst Apotheke Salon Session 2 took place on 30.07.2009 with the following programme:

Buddy Buddy: The Treatment
Maebh Cheasty – writer/musician/performer - Dublin/Berlin

Maebh Cheasty is commissioned by Project Arts Centre, Dublin, to write an hour long performance piece for two performers. As of now, the piece is somewhere between a buddy movie and a musical. She presented the treatment with words, pictures and sounds.

click to download
Soundtrack for Buddy Buddy Act 1
PDF - 136.6 kb
Text and Image for Buddy Buddy Act 1

Myse en Abyme
Perla Montelongo – artist/curator/researcher - México/Barcelona/Berlin

Perla is asking for medical attention for her curatorial project in gestation period: “Myse en Abyme” (placing into infinity). The term refers to a visual experience of standing between two mirrors; in literature refers to a reduplication of concepts referring to the textual whole. She invited Kunst Apothekers to brainstorm about concepts, artists, objects, fractals and phenomenons that concern this infinite mirroring process.

click to download
Audio Extract of Myse en Abyme Presentation

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